Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lua: estudo de estampa

hey!!! mto cool essas cabeças de bic XD Mel! gostei...

um dia pego a boa e velha bic pra desenhar, é memso muito bom ^^

por hoje... passei o dia vagabundeando olhando pra uma tela meio vazia do word =__=
então, resolvi fazer o estudo da ultima estampa q eu devia fazer... claro, a final não vai ficar assim... o vermelho representa a cor do pano da camisa... e a frase eu vou mudar...

mas tai a ideia!

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Amelia: Bic Rules!

Hi! wow... there are some a few days passed and I'm already get tired :P

Here, I've scanned some old and new drawings and did a panel... heads made by BIC! yeahm yeah, THE most famous ballpoint pen, Bic! I hope you like:

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See ya later!


Hm, ok... a new one.

There's a Logan and a Scott Summers.
They're hot like this, so I think i'll keep this visual for them. I dunno... one day I'll work for Marvel and I wanna draw X-men stuff, coff coff, big plans big plans... it isn't a sin to daydream, right? Tsk.

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I'll post more later.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Amelia: Very Tired...

Howdies, pals!
And I'm here, after I've gone to hospital with my mom... I spend my whole morning in there. Sheeeee-t, I'm tired today, therefore there is only one sketch today.

My character study of Paolo Vicenzzo, a chara from one of my personal projects. Big hands, unproportional anatomy... and with some italian duo-color shoes. Yeah, he's a "Sgarrista Profissionale", a killer made-man, to serve and protect the Cosa Nostra...

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That's all, folks!

Lua: personagens ai

então... hoje comecei a fazer uma historia q eu tinha tido a idéia faz um tempo...
o rascunho antigos dos personagens era esse abaixo :

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e o 'atual' seria esse... nada de diferente... tava soh rabiscando mesmo... tentei deixar a moça não magrinha... acho que ficou mais ou menos, mesmo pensando em acrescentar mais gordura à ela, só de pensar na estrutura oriental, da uma travada... eles são tão magros..

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lua: mais alguns de novo XD

nah, inglês me enche... ultimamente to sem saco pra nada disso... lamento mesmo

ainda resolvendo o visual da personagem... nem sei praquê pq cada vez mais penso em NÃO roteirizar a historia q pensei... =_=

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e falem o que quiser, mas eu preferi o filme ao quadrinho!
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novamente, nenhum cuidado, nenhum capricho XD

A wip

Hm... some stuff that I've being today to post on the blog, but I don't think I'll finish and I'm sorry, girls. It was supposed to post yesterday, but it wasn't a good day at all nor today was a good one as well, so...

I think I'll look for more stuff to give me some inspiration.

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Amelia: Some Fucking' REJECTED Chara Designs

Tem estrangeiros lendo o Blog. Há um aviso na DA do Dan e na minha. quase 100% dos brazucas que me assistem na DA lêem inglês. Escrevo também porque quero treinar um pouco... ^_^.

Okay, dudes 'n dudettes. A lit' doodlin a doo...
There are some rejected Character Designs from my comic. I don't post the approved ones here cuz I don't want to show them before the right time. They're just from patrol team of my story...nothing more else. Just a piece of crap who will die quickly (ouch, man! how much will quick be) :P...

Here they are:

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Hope you like.

Lua: Mais Alguns

persistencia é uma coisa incrivel mesmo... ¬¬ pff

well, I DON'T will talk this fuking english... i don't like this and i'm not good at this, so... I don't know WHY my pals are writing in this language but, I dont will read they posts because of this... i don't have patience for this... well, "bad for me" that cannot understand what they're saying...

mais uns rascunhos... eu fiz acho q ontem.. o da garota era soh um estudo pra ver comos eria acara de uma personagem... uma merda, não gotei... e o segundo era soh pra testar uma idéia de uam estampa de camisa...

ambos no photoshop 7

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

As I promised, I've returned...
I did this speedpainting today and it's just for radiosity study. Strange pose of this parachutist...

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Well... I know Lua is at her work now. I know she couldn't post anything here today, but if NOBODY to post NOTHING until Monday, I'm out of this.

See you tomorrow, folks!

Amelia: Mechanical Pencil VS. Digital sketching

Hi again!
Man...I'm here, think about the comic industry after I to have a strange experience in game industry. Well, the comic job is the BEST job you can get in. You work in your own home, make your own schedule and they pay nice bucks for ya (and you'll be doing a fun thing). What you want more than it? Huh? Huh? Huh? In game industry, in 3D area, you work like a fuckin' slave, without schedule or comfort... and you don't get anything in creation part... and for me, before the money comes my personal realization.

Okay, stopping with this Mambo-Jambo...

I'm opening today with some "handmade" random sketches.

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And here comes the question. What is more comfortable for ya? Sketching with mechanical pencils or on digital way?

In this sketch, I used a Sumi-e brush, the best brush I've never seen before!!! Look this for yourselves to check out!

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This is a sketch I'm sending to trash and I wanna show before it:

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and at last, my sketches TODAY:

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See you later, alligator :P (in noon I'm posting more)!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Amelia Howdies: Opening sketch posts

Hi to everybody! I hope this blog be useful not only for us, but for everyone who is visiting this place organized by us. The intention of this place is to gather our daily studies, no pretension, but with a purpose, the constant drawing and sharing ideas between us, artist and creators with a lot of passion by our work.
okay, no blablings now... let's get my first sketch.

Well, this is a lit' study about my character from a personal project. She's a twin brother, therefore I drew her a bit "male alike"... sign... I think her mounth is projected to forward...whatever...

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Whoa! In this time, we have some Character designs in Cartoon style. A bunch of mafia men and one freaky blonde dudette (other personal project which I'm developing slowly)! What do you think about 'em?

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And, now... Game time! Streetfighter old sketches from me.

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See ya tomorrow!

It was about time...

Hm, well, finally... the three of us decided to make this blog. Today, I'll be quickly I just post some doodles that I did this week... I dunno... the quality is low, but... for god's sake... we're talking about doodles here, amirite amirite? Geez.

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Well, that's it for today.

triste condição feminina

rápido, rápido... bem, antes que eu vá dormir (pois tenho q trabalhar amanhã de manhã) vou postar o qeu fiz hoje... como só me falaram "vamos fazer um blog pra rascunho diário pra nos forçar a ser menos vagabundos"... eu vou postar qualqur coisa q fiz hoje...

fiquei com uma puta raiva pq tava a fim de vestir um vestido legal q comprei ontem... tinha pensado q conseguiria ir com ele amanhã... mas o que acontece? a porra da menstruação desce! cara, ninguem merece isso!... quer dizer, como vou usar uma mini fralda disfarçada de almofadinha com um vestido que deixa aparecer a silhueta do corpo? não dá... vc tem q ficar se puxando toda hora, vou ter q usar uma calcinha grande e apertada o que vai fazer aquele efeito horrivel abaixo da cintura (vcs mulheres sabem qual é, aquele que fica deixando a gente com aparencia de pneuzinho)

menstruar é uma merda! e depois perguntam pq a gente fica estressada! BAH!!

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