Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Lua: estudo de estampa

hey!!! mto cool essas cabeças de bic XD Mel! gostei...

um dia pego a boa e velha bic pra desenhar, é memso muito bom ^^

por hoje... passei o dia vagabundeando olhando pra uma tela meio vazia do word =__=
então, resolvi fazer o estudo da ultima estampa q eu devia fazer... claro, a final não vai ficar assim... o vermelho representa a cor do pano da camisa... e a frase eu vou mudar...

mas tai a ideia!

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Amelia: Bic Rules!

Hi! wow... there are some a few days passed and I'm already get tired :P

Here, I've scanned some old and new drawings and did a panel... heads made by BIC! yeahm yeah, THE most famous ballpoint pen, Bic! I hope you like:

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See ya later!


Hm, ok... a new one.

There's a Logan and a Scott Summers.
They're hot like this, so I think i'll keep this visual for them. I dunno... one day I'll work for Marvel and I wanna draw X-men stuff, coff coff, big plans big plans... it isn't a sin to daydream, right? Tsk.

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I'll post more later.