Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Drawing water sucks a big time.

I hate to draw water, sea and anything liquid, except blood.
Blood is so fun to draw... and the mutilated bodies as well, unfortunately, I couldn't draw it on NORKI yet. The graphic novel I'm doing for a Brazilian publisher. That's the reason of my absence. I've been drawing only for the comic and the other stuff I've drawn... it's too... er...pornographic to be posted here. Hm, I shouldn't be posting it here, but I decided to do so.

Eu odeio desenhar água e qualquer coisa do gênero, exceto sangue.
È muito bom desenhar sangue voando de corpos mutilados e em especial de zumbis. Ah, a carnificina! É puro amor, cara! <33333333! *__* Ai,ai... tenho que agradecer a Mel por smepre fazer uns desenhos assim! Não reparem... eu estou sob efeito de cafeína. Coff coff! Mas, enfim... eu estou desenhando este quadrinho para uma editora nacional. O quadrinho se chama NORKI e este tem sido o motivo da minha ausência. Peço desculpas por isso. Eu até que desenhei outras coisas durante este tempo, mas a maioria delas é meio... pornográfica. Aí, eu dexei de lado. Eu estou postando umas amostras de NORKI mesmo sem poder... mas são apenas quadros avulsos que eu gostei... acho que não vai ter problema.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That's all for now.
Happy Halloween, guys!

É so, galera.
Feliz Dia das Bruxas [e não venham dizer que isso coisa de americano, pois, a tradição de comemorar o Halloween é dos povos celtas e os americanos só popularizaram a mesma]!

P.S.: Eu postei um estudo do estilo do Simon Bisley. Bem simples.
P.S.2: Lua, eu vou devolver tuas revistas do Slaíne assim que puder!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Amelia: RE 4... Almost there...

Yo, niggas!

Agradecimentos ao Lancaster por cometar novamente no blog!

Leandro. Quando fui dar uma olhada no seu blog, você me deu um susto. Não esperava encontrar um desenho tão bom. SÉRIO :)! Você tá no nível dos caras poderosos da indústria! Vou pedir aqui pra lincar o seu blog no nosso, pode?

Diego. Fico lisonjeada por ter gostado do meu trabalho ^__^. Sobre a proposta... bom, como eu estou com um contrato pesado com a Glass House/ Imminent Studios para fazer uma GN até Maio do ano que vem, estou atolada (e atrasada) até o pescoço. Mas eu gostaria de dar uma olhada no seu trabalho (e dos outros) do mesmo jeito :). Não posso ajudar na contribuição, mas no que eu puder ajudar a medida do possível, estou aqui :)!

Okay! I've Leon sketch here... man, he's so handsome *_________*... I know, this game is pretty old, but I was playing it lately (until my deadline to kill me :P):

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Sorry if my posting are not so frequent as I'd like...


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Amelia: OMFG!

Howdies, folks!

Agradecimentos a Leandro por comentar em nosso blog!

I did a sketch with new techniques I learned (the result isn't much different from mine original work, but the speed is different :P):

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Man, man, man... I got a Gangsta 30's box DVD (old fashioned movies, niggers!). It's so cool!!!

thanks for all!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Amelia: B-R-A-I-N-S!!!!!!

Hi!How's it, fellas?
Very busy here as always :P! After I editing the page 16/17 from GN I'm working for, I played Resident Evil 4 (with Leon, ya know). Man... until my mother liked this game! RE 4 has many cool situations. The story sucks, but as Splinter Cell, this game has a boring story with great fun factor :)!
I did these sketches a little time ago:

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

(homage to Daniel, who I think is gone... at least, in this blog :P).
see you!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Amelia: I want but I can't...

Hello, folks!

Ah, o Kyo-chan e a Mei ficaram tão fofos (hauhauha e ela insiste qu não é loira... :P).

Man, more and more I'm being out of time... so I can't do any wrong move or I'll wast time. I want to do OP, but the serie is too long... too long... I don't know. I want', but I can't.

More sketches to erase my frustation:

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

see you later, alligator!



nhum... hello...
I'm note fine but I'm alive... next week maybe i'll be happy \o/

today i get to do my pc work!!! I put some musics that mel gave to me... I'm listen them after months ago...

yeah, i like suga Shikao indeed.... and lister his musics make me think about kyoshiro XD... then, this make me do the unique good thing on this fucking day >__<

mel, is for you sis!
Kyo e mei
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this... i think that's like a cd cover XD hehehe
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

this is only a funny thing...
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i hope that the colors be right this time ¬¬

see ya

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Amelia: One step to become famous *___*

I'm happy and I hope everyone is okay :)!

Man, man, man! It's raining job, fellas! In the next year, you'll see me in the biggest publishers *______*. It's not a promise, I'm ALREADY work NOW on comicbooks for publishers to the next year... Im so happy *________________*.

Well... just for upload some sketch. I was watching B-Boying show and they're fuckin' cool, so I drew a sketch:

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Thanks for all who spent your precious time reading our blog.