Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Amelia: I feel good!

Hi to my beloved fellas!

Nem achei tão bizarras as orelhas assim :P. É a primeira vez que vejo a Drizzt em um estilo que não o mangá :). Cool!

Sobre as pernas do meu desenho, acabei deixando as curvas opostas certas e realmente se elas estivessem retas, ficaria melhor :P. A roupa está extremamente larga e acabou ajudando nesse feito dos cambitos, uahuahuah. Na prósimoa eu não esqueço que estou desenhando mangá.

Mwahahaha! After I drawing a sketch for Echoes of Dawn Cover (Issue 3), I did these sketches. I'm working in that cover from a terror story of Trepidation Comics but my mind was in my personal manga project. It's been 10 YEARS since I started this my manga. This story followed me by my adolescence. Now, I'm feeling much more strong to work on this story ^_____^. I'm feel very happy about it.

and, my sketches from my project (Ongaku Pawaa):

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thanks to everyone!