Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Hm, ok... a new one.

There's a Logan and a Scott Summers.
They're hot like this, so I think i'll keep this visual for them. I dunno... one day I'll work for Marvel and I wanna draw X-men stuff, coff coff, big plans big plans... it isn't a sin to daydream, right? Tsk.

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I'll post more later.


Amelia said...

Wolverine gostoso!

Lua Bueno Cyríaco said...

eu já não gostei muito...ele não ficou com o ar de 'macho das montanhas' dele...

já o ciclope ficou bem 'cara de ciclope' e ficou bonito

Herick Ferreira said...

Verdade, o wolverine ficou muito metrosexual.