Kim - Look who's blogging now
LMAO! Dude... that should be a massive comeback. Well, actually, that's a good sign – at least, I hope so... – for this year, astrologically speaking, you know? But that's bullshit, so let's get to the real deal here. I won't post the drawings itself this time, just thumbnails, 'cause i feel intimidated with the abilities from those two girls here. Lua and Mel, you are amazing! <3 HAUHAUHUAHUAHUHA. My fanboy moment.

This last one is a work in progress... actually there's a lot of works in progress here in my HDD, but i'm too lazy to resize all of them or finish them. I just, umm... i dunno... i gotta love myself for that... i think? <3
That's it for today, guys.
P.S.: I know my English sucks... /cries