Sunday, March 11, 2007


My sketch for today.
More of the couple of the last post.
I dunno why but I really like them, hehe, and I'm sorry if you don't like seeing two men together like this, but... I don't give a fuck about it, ok? I'll keep posting them.

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Anyway. Mel, I loved your new sketches, principally the ones in grey scale. Lua, i loved your uploads as well, principally the couple... and girl... I'm not romantic, I'm really a pornographic person! XD


Chrysippo Aguiar said...

O tio de tras me lembrou o Malfdoy...

Onde vc rascunha? Me lembra o oC...

Lua Bueno Cyríaco said...

ah, romantismo e erotismo... acho q um leva ao outro sei lá...

rs, é q eu sou discreta e só mostro o 'antes' XD
