Sunday, December 23, 2007

Amelia: Dying for a rest...

Yo, pals!

Lua, a primeira opção da página de Lod fica melhor no meu monitor. A segunda fica com baixo contraste e fica meio "enevoada", saca? Putz, esqueci da Madalena. Foi fazê-la hj no intervalo. E eu gostei dos sketches do outro post, principalmente do primeiro carinha.

Okay, I'm reaching some cool designs and I found my old RPG archives. What did I see? What? What? whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Man, our old rpg characters from Iêv! That was the most cool (and suffered for us, poor players) Medieval fantasy rpg ever played by me before! Cool, Gs! I became a super Valkyrie (with looooooooooow intelligence and great power :P)and marriaged with a supa-dupa (over power) yummy-yummy clergyman.

Sketch made when I'm wainting for instructions from editors:


"Oooooooooh, Tarik, my beloved yummy-yummy clerg! I missed you! :P"

see ya!

1 comment:

Alexandre Lancaster said...

Ótimas faces. Muito bem-feitas.:)