Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
LUA - page final and a draw
finally the page is finished. well... i don't like so much... e choose the last panel in BW because os the others, i think that if it doesn't be BW, it would be mixed with the other ones. in a bad way XD
well... it's here
and this is a draw. the boy I based on Miyavi
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
LUA - the page, but not final
nhen... this is the comic page that i was doing... boring. i'm tired of that, Im being long so much to finalize that that am upsetting. >__<'
well, is that...
i'll finalize that tomorrow, i'm soooo slow now =___='
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 0 comments
LUA - more things
hiiii! o/
just some draws...
1.final claudia n boss
2.other chara, valentine
PS: Wanderson, o que você acha desse drake?
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
LUA - wip
mel e Dan. enton, é um problema XD... na verdade mel, eu ach que o que "briga" menos com o estilo é mesmo o número 1. mas como vcs disseram, eu tbm senti que o "ideal" pra simular um film noir seria o 4... mas justamente o fato de ser PB que causa o impacto com as cores dos outros quadro... eu acho que é logico que é pra criar uma diferença de atmosfera e talz, mas contrastar demais não parece uma boa... por isso to pensando seriamente no 3, pq tem umas cores, mas tbm é bem contrastado... mas o 1... ai deuses XD rs... ta dificil...
here some wip, i'm take a rest from comic page and drew that
2.claudia n her boss
mel, o que vc acha? peguei de uma das referencias do GC...
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments
LUA - film noir panel
hello! o/
this panel is like a "film noir"...then... i'm in doubt about effect to use... what you think that seems like an older film noir? just remember that is for a comic, and the other panel are those that i show some posts ago...
1. with some colours
2. the same, but in BW
3.same scene, but with more contrast and some colours
4. now, BW
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
LUA - panel 2
wow... i'm sooo slooowwww... it's the second panel from my comic page XD
editing... one more panel wip
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
LUA - tests n more tests
mel! vamos fazer os personagens do jogo em cartas de baralhoooooo? estilo ilustra de gta saint andreas XD.
gostei, isso é um visu de bruxa malvada... hu hu hu
heeeeeloooow! o/
making some tests before doing a comic page
1. chara
2. paint
and the first panel
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 3 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Amelia: Time is my buddy_Part 02
Hi, hi!
Man... MAN!!! Spaghetti Western is AWESOME!!! I love Franco Nero (huuuuummm, handsome cowboy...). When I have more time to spend, I'll do a tribute to The professional gunman.
Okay, a sketch of other Natural Born killer Bad momma:
Thanks, guys!
by Amelia 4 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
LUA - studies
like always i use the RPG for make charas and draw... then, more draws, studing my charas
1. this is the girl right, her face now is right.
2. claudia studies
3. Rebeca Studies
4. clau n becky
well... that's all folks... I hope i can show some comic pages soon...
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Kim - Look who's blogging now
LMAO! Dude... that should be a massive comeback. Well, actually, that's a good sign – at least, I hope so... – for this year, astrologically speaking, you know? But that's bullshit, so let's get to the real deal here. I won't post the drawings itself this time, just thumbnails, 'cause i feel intimidated with the abilities from those two girls here. Lua and Mel, you are amazing! <3 HAUHAUHUAHUAHUHA. My fanboy moment.
This last one is a work in progress... actually there's a lot of works in progress here in my HDD, but i'm too lazy to resize all of them or finish them. I just, umm... i dunno... i gotta love myself for that... i think? <3
That's it for today, guys.
P.S.: I know my English sucks... /cries
by Anonymous 6 comments
LUA - back again, really
if you don't know, i was working in a comic shop (here from my city), but now i'm not. I back to draws ;___; thanks god...
well, i do some lines...
1. studies from a chara.
2. the same girl
3. now, for a cover to my portfolio. i want to do black widow (but i don't like it)
4.other cover, inspired by movie "I'm a cyborg but that's ok" (heh, is a funny movie, from same director of "oldboy")
5. finally my black widow cover.
6. and a variation of it
7. well, the car I get from GTA.
and...thats all folks!
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 4 comments