Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lua: mais alguns de novo XD

nah, inglês me enche... ultimamente to sem saco pra nada disso... lamento mesmo

ainda resolvendo o visual da personagem... nem sei praquê pq cada vez mais penso em NÃO roteirizar a historia q pensei... =_=

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e falem o que quiser, mas eu preferi o filme ao quadrinho!
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novamente, nenhum cuidado, nenhum capricho XD

A wip

Hm... some stuff that I've being today to post on the blog, but I don't think I'll finish and I'm sorry, girls. It was supposed to post yesterday, but it wasn't a good day at all nor today was a good one as well, so...

I think I'll look for more stuff to give me some inspiration.

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Amelia: Some Fucking' REJECTED Chara Designs

Tem estrangeiros lendo o Blog. Há um aviso na DA do Dan e na minha. quase 100% dos brazucas que me assistem na DA lêem inglês. Escrevo também porque quero treinar um pouco... ^_^.

Okay, dudes 'n dudettes. A lit' doodlin a doo...
There are some rejected Character Designs from my comic. I don't post the approved ones here cuz I don't want to show them before the right time. They're just from patrol team of my story...nothing more else. Just a piece of crap who will die quickly (ouch, man! how much will quick be) :P...

Here they are:

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Hope you like.

Lua: Mais Alguns

persistencia é uma coisa incrivel mesmo... ¬¬ pff

well, I DON'T will talk this fuking english... i don't like this and i'm not good at this, so... I don't know WHY my pals are writing in this language but, I dont will read they posts because of this... i don't have patience for this... well, "bad for me" that cannot understand what they're saying...

mais uns rascunhos... eu fiz acho q ontem.. o da garota era soh um estudo pra ver comos eria acara de uma personagem... uma merda, não gotei... e o segundo era soh pra testar uma idéia de uam estampa de camisa...

ambos no photoshop 7

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