Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Some sketches

There you have it, so stop complaining.

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Amelia: In Red...

Gostei da Morte, Lua! Acho que realmente prefiro a sua do que as que sempre mostram nas revistas. aliás, o conceito de uma personagem que representasse a Morte como alguém bonzinho, você teve antes do cara (é poca de ongaku Pawaa, lembra?). Uma merda esse mercado. você tem a mesma idéia, ams como nego lambe a bunda do cara, ele ganha...

Hey, Where's Kim sketches?

I'm tired. Sometimes I think we, 2D artists, have to give our asses to survive... In every other month you can receive a payment or not... I'm tired for my incompetence. Sick for this fucking dispute. We, 2D artist, worried more about this dispute than with the projects we accepted. V for Vendetta... down with this stupid thing!

well, that's my sketch. It's from Cold War II, my own comic, written and drawn by me (great thing...):

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and I said about rules in this sketchdaily. If the fucking rules be not accomplished, I accomplish my part... what a hell...

Lua: morte

palavras fortes Mel...

bem, eu ainda não peguei minha Morte la na loja... -___-'
mas eu quero ler!!!

photoshop 7 e alguns minutos, sem msn dessa vez XD

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