Friday, March 21, 2008

Amelia: Zombie-mode ON


Me zombie.
I did it days ago, before my alucinations with bats and greyscale flotation heads (really! people have to use drugs for it. For me, it's just don't sleep for 24 hours...):

From da same project I'll work until my death or publication... what comes first. It's a sketch from a AI ruskie-gal expert:


Different from Daniel Kim, if I stop posting things here, I died, pals (CadÊ mais desenhos, rapá!!! Quero mais!!! A Lua está sem PC, ela não pode postar nem fazer nada. O sketchblog depende de nós :P:PP:P).

E não esqueçam... uma vez dentro da UnB, jamais sairá :P


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Amelia: Obrigada!

Muito obrigada pelos votos! Deu empate técnico entre os 3. Não me surpreende porque o design das 3 escolhas é parecido :P. A roupa dele é apenas uma variação de um Ops noturno, seguindo a linha de que ele um REcon e está numa missão de resgate (típico).

A cicatriz no olho não é uma cicatriz. Ele tem o globo orbital direito cibernético para captar e enviar informações da NSA em tempo real (se existe de verdade um celular debaixo da pele, isso é até meio ultrapassado :P).

Novamente, obrigada a todos pelos votos! :)

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Olá, Preciso de uma opinião!

-Character Design.


-O personagem se chama Capitão Tom Starr. Ele era líder de uma unidade especial dentro do U.S Recon que se chamava Zombie Squadron. Ele perdeu todos os seus companheiros em um único dia numa situação confusa no Líbano. Ele é um soldado com pensamento antiquado. Para ele a missão deve ser cumprida a qualquer custo. Agora ele precisa enfrentar uma missão onde ele deverá resgatar um cientista das mãos de paramilitares. Neste lugar, ele encontrará também a verdade sobre seus companheiros mortos.

MESMO AQUELES QUE NUNCA ESCREVERAM NADA, VOTEM, POR FAVOR. Isso faz parte de um projeto importante para mim e gostaria de opiniões sobre este design. Que achei o mais complicado:


English version:

Hi, I need an opinion!!!

-Character Design:

Character info:

-The name of this character is Captain Tom Starr. He was a U. S Recon leader group called Zombie Squadron. He lost his all brother-in-arms in just one messy day in Lebanon. He's a soldier with antiquated thought (a bit simple mimded...). For him, the mission must be accomplished at any cost. Now, he has a mission where he needs to rescue an important cientist from para military hands. In this place, he'll find the truth about his old comrades.

EVEN WHO THOSE HAVEN'T WRITTEN A LINE UNTIL NOW, PLEASE, VOTE! This is make part of an important project for me and I'd like an opinion about his visual.

Tom Starr:


Thanks a lot for everyone!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Amelia: Playing around...

Hello, my beauties!

Man, man, man. I went to bed at 04:45 AM... I think how many time I'll be able to hand everything in this rhythm.

I fixed everything I had to, did every layout I had to. It's just to rest for me wait... So, when I'm waiting, I did a sketch!

I'm reformulating my Cold War II universe. I'm doing new characters. She's one of them, White Giant. She's not pretty. She has 190 cm height and a muscular body. I'm tired of pretty gals in comics/manga/whateverfuckingstyle. The men I'm doing in my story aren't handsome too:


thank you!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kim - One more...

Mwahahahahaha! Né, Mel? Fiquei fora mô tempão, mas estou voltando com tudo agora. E eu fiquei feliz que você tenha gostado do Ashton, o Porn Star, ele é um mutante que eu fiz para jogar um RPG de X-men e eu gostei muito dele... aí estou desenhando ele com bastante frequência. Engraçado como depois que você faz quadrinhos... você se empolga para desenhar um personagem várias e várias vezes. E... kakakakakaka! Tu postou mesmo estes desenhos! XD~ Pensei que você tava zuando, mas... corageee, hein, colega? *...imitando o Christian Pior do Pânico...* Adorei, Mel! <3

Bom, eu vou postar mais um desenho hoje, mas antes eu quero falar sobre uma coisa que me intrigou bastante, hehe, Britney Spears released an animated videoclip! That's true, guys. It's totally in anime style and it's pretty similar to the video for her song 'Toxic'. Check it out!

And finally... a new doodle.

His name is Ashton Paine. I based him on the Brazilian actor Rodrigo Santoro, but I don't think they look alike thou. LOL! He's 19 years old and he's a mutant... yeah, the X-men kind of mutant. I like him very much, so I'll draw him more.

That's all.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Amelia: Daring...

Bry: -Eu ia trancar esse semestre por causa do trabalho. Entrei em condição e nem sabia. Agora sou forçada a fazer 16 créditos ou sou desligada da Universidade. Meu IRA é praticamente o máximo, tenho mais de 15 SS nas menções, mas eles abrem exceções para alunos que esfaqueam os outros no C.O ao invés de alunos que estão lá porque querem, não porque precisam... UNB SUXXX forever (ou forevis :P).

Lancaster: Ehehe, valeu.

Dan Kim: HALELLUJAH!!! ele postou!!!! Depois de mais de 5 meses sem post nenhum, ele está de volta!!! welcome back, buddy. I missed you :). My preferred character you did was "pornstar". Very hot :)!

Okay, let us see how many time Photobucket takes to notice these cutes:



These are old drawings, fellas.
Thanks for spending your time on our blog! I owe you

Kim - It's been a while...

Eh... like always I'm absent due to lazyness and various reasons that I don't wanna mention again! U__U... Ok, it was because I'm a lazyass! LMAO! XD~ Geez... don't stare at me like that! Stop! Stop! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! *into sugar rush mode* XD~ Neewayz... I didn't drew much lately, but I'm reading a lot... of Comics and books. I'm not a Manga addict as I was before and I don't think it's a bad thing, you know? It isn't good to be trapped into a style of comic books.

I love everything that Adam Hughes draw now. Also Chris Brachallo - that guy is good! And there are other artists that I don't remember the name now... like the one that does the art in the Ultimate Fantastic Four... he's pretty good, dude! I wanna be like them when I grow up! LOL. Ok... I'll stop blabbering and post something new.

Ninja Gayden! <3

Blond ambition girl in Tokyo.

Bubbles, er, I mean... Supergirl!<3

Wonderwoman! =D

Porn Star warning! *.*

Look... he has a butt! OuO

The comments are ridiculous, I know, but it was intentional! XD
Er... I'll post more girls in the next post, I think... I liked to draw Supergirl-y.

But... that's all for today, folks!
See you next time! =D

Monday, March 10, 2008

Amelia: Screwed Up, Baby!

Hi! I hope you're well, cuz I'm not :P!

My university fucked me a lot... bastards... in the mid of my job with comics.


I was without energy power about 2 hours at this Saturday (with my deadline in my neck...), so I did this rough sculpture with Biscuit (shit stuff to do things like this) because it's the only thing I could do without eletricity -__-.
Yeah, baby, fuck yeah! It's HIM! H-I-M!!! No, not Mantis from Metal Gear, He looks like but he isn't him. This guy is The Constitution from Automatic Kafka, One of coolest comics I've ever read in my life! From Ashley Wood (Art) and Joe Casey (Writer). Read it if you have opportunity! Very good comic. Okay, that's my "tribute". It's a WIP (Work in Progress):


And for guys, a premonitorian gal... She took her eye and put it in "third vision" place... cool, eh? (A bit hash. 15 minutes sketch):


From Monday, 03:21 AM. Thanks!