Monday, December 29, 2008

Lua: Sketch de RPG

Fiz esse rascunho jogando RPG na casa da Mel. É o mesmo personagem com o visual diferente:


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Amelia: Xmas gifts

Man, man, man! I know, it isn't a drawing, but... I have to show my new miniature! It's an Army Ranger Arctic Operations miniature, Serie 7 (out of stock :P) from McFarlane Toys. I bought a Special Forces Night Operation miniature (Serie 7) too, but it'll arrive on next Monday.


I'm so inspired I bought the new Polyclay Brazilian Version, MSFX Polisculp from FX Arte: It'll arrive in the next 11th days. I have Fimo (German), so I'll compare the two clays to see what's the best to work with it. :)

See you around with more drawings :)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Amelia: Right on time

Hi! Our sketchbook is as dead as my Rock 'n Roll Cds... I think I'll change the layout at least.

It's a shot from one of my Cold War II pages. Tankist is a bad momma:


Thanks guys!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

LUA: nada de mais

mel! eu gostei da mulher de vestido bege!
o mais vc ja sabe ^^

bom, unas redenhos bobos...



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amelia: My precious!

Hi! Long time no see you, eh?

I'm working on layouts to Freedom Formula by Edmund Shern. This comic is being published by Radical Comics and produced by Imaginary Friends Studio. A bunch of nice guys in these places! :) All my thanks to Mr. David Elliot, Mr. Jeremy and Mr. Shern. And my great admiration to Chris, doing a amazing pencil job! Hehehe, I'm the only gal in that place and all guys are treating me good ^____^!

Okay! I can't show you the layouts from last Freedom Formula Chapter, but I can show you... my personal work. Man, I'm using one hour per day to dedicate some work on my projects at least. They're growing up very slow, but I think I'll have some stuff to the next Cons :). Share time!


Working in a pitch for a comedy animation talking (and criticizing) about feminine world. Targeting mature audience. Where is this shit will be produced, well... this is a surprise! Here is some concepts:


Easy to do because I'm using 3D Max, Z-brush, Sound Forge and all stuff. I'll use my old version of After Effects, but I don't know how to use it yet... YET! My concern is concentrating on some scripts and speeches for while, because THIS is the most important part for me on this animation. I did almost the first whole episode script without speeches (attagirl!).

2)Comic_Cold War II:

Almost 2 years developing this project and it's just now I was be able to finish the script in a descent way. I'm happy with the characters and story, but the speeches on script is being a pain in the neck...

The story is about two genius brothers who are maintained captives by former military Russian special forces with psych powers interested on their genius formulas. So the mission of Cap. Starr is rescuing them, but the things are not what he thought and the true enemies appeared besides some "ghosts" from past. It's a long story with 8 chapters.

Concepts! This first chara design is Captain Starr. This isn't his final suit because he has three different models through the whole comic (he peels off as a banana, hehe):


Concepts to mechas and environment are a bit retro... as 30's (WW2) and 60's (gold age of Cold War). I did a extensive research in a whole year and I found incredible things!

Some unfinished environment:



Mecha Designs... er, just in concepts for now:


And some pictures which are inspiring me to do this project:

Maschine Krieger:


Real... REAL russian vehicle photo from WW2:


3)Comic_Kings Club: Merc5:

Ah, this is my jewel. A jewel I'm polishing :). Everything in this shit is complex... the storytelling, the characters, the speeches... The speeches! But everything is working so good for me that I felt the easiest project to work with.

Kings Club is a mercenary agency. This story is focused on an elite members trying to survive a revenge. They deserve to die, but they want to! Now, these member have to catch their executioner before he do it.

Some lit' sample of this:




hehehe, characters in cartoon mode:


Okay! All these projects are registered. Protected by law, so I thought I could show them now :).

Thanks a lot for spending your time in our blog!


Saturday, October 04, 2008

LUA - vacation!!!


a mel disse que ia pegar uns desenhos que fiz na ultima vez que passei la na casa dela, escaniar e postar, já que inguém postava nada XD hehehe.... mas ela não fez isso! depois eu cobro...

agora to de férias do trampo na loja mas... passo boa parte do tempo semf azer muita coisa, agoniada querendo fazer algo mas sem paciencia XD ó vida...

mas eis uns rascunhos, por ordem de produção

1. Ana, personagem de um projeto ai...

2. Satsuki. a meio japonesa, meio francesa amante de jazz blues e cultura negra.

3. helga e o filho dela. tinha planos de fazer uma historia curta sobre ela...

4. página 1 da helga, incompleta.

5. pagina 2 da helga, também incompleta.

6. os seguintes são todos de hoje mesmo. pensei em fazer uma ilustração da mulher gato, mas desisti. mulher gato Holly

7. me deu uma vontade súbita de desenhar gordinhas. essa foi a primeira

8. gordinha 2. "Coke"

9. gordinha 3 "Lollypop"

10. gordinha 4 "Diva"

boooom, é isso...


Monday, September 01, 2008

LUA - novidades a passo lento

mel! vc ja sabe minha opinião e o porque. mas já que estamos num espaço coletivo, vamos lá. a segunda capa, centraliza o olhar e também destaca as arminhas de casa, enfim

uns desenhos do projeto em andamento.
o personagem principal e uma das meninas

1. horacio, quadrinista

2. menina, desenhista publicitária

Monday, August 25, 2008

Amelia: Almost Bullet Proof_Part 01

Hi, hi!

Today, I'm working in some layouts to Freedom Formula, a Edmund Shern creation :). Mainstream sci-fi manga touch. Remembers me something between Akira and Macross. The interesting thing Imaginary Friends Studio (Artgerm studio) will color my drawings. Doing some tests to Marvel and Dark Horse... but I didn't do anything good until now, maybe a lack of inspiration, as always.

Preciso decidir uma capa aqui. O que acham? Opção número 1 ou 2:



WIP do trabalho:


thanks for all!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Amelia: Oh, boy...


Lancaster: Valeu pelos comments no nosso blog que parece um túmulo :P.

Lua: Sobre essa parada de indústria... tipo, tem meia dúzia de artistas que são meus ídolos e que estão desempregados no momento. Essa coisa toda é foda... Nem todo mundo tem saco pra fazer um estilo pra cada coisa que aparece. Agora, por exemplo, querem que eu use linhas em um teste aqui... cara, linha pra mim é o fim. Lento demais pro meu estilo.

I'm doing some tests for some clients. It's a tiresome and annoying process. I hope I dig something after this.

Okay, a watercolor (my watercolor skills sucks a lot -__-):


See you soon, fellas! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

LUA - tentando respirar

MEL: ah velho, seus desenhos continuam fodásticos.
nah... tem isso de industria ne? mas sei la... não acho que é simplesmente problema deles não, é comigo mesmo... como vou conseguir algo se não faço nada? vc sabe, tem q mostrar serviço e eu não to fazendo isso. a culpa é minha e admito.
dia desses ainda faço uma loucura, ou acaba com tudo ou começo do inicio, sei lá...

rascunho bocó que fiz hoje...

ah!!! eu fiz mais uma página de LOD!!!! confira aki >> ( é a página 8)


Amelia: Miss Real McCoy


Lua: não vejo nada de errado com seu desenho. A maioria dos ganhadores do Zuda Comics, por exemplo, estão no mesmo níve de desenho que o seu. Acho o que falta é sorte, até porque muitos estilos hoje em dia parecem até rascunhados. Quando eu estava querendo estabelecer aquele meu estilo antigo de Cold War II, os agentes falaram que demoraria muito tempo para aquele tipo de traço se estabelecer na indústria, mesmo sendo bom. Acho que editores estão arriscando menos e menos devido a recessão brava. Você sabe, a primeira coisa que as pessoas cortam são os supérfluos...

Well! Time to upload something here, eh? More sketches for you:








See you around!
thanks, buddies!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

LUA- é... ainda as vezes

as vezes desenhando... eu queria falar algo legal, mas não dá... tudo é uma merda e eu não sei porque eu faço ou deixo de fazer essas porcarias








Monday, July 14, 2008

Amelia: Big D

Hi! Been a while, eh?

Valeu pelo comentário, Lancaster!

I finished the graphic novel to my clients. I'm retouching some pages and I hope finish everything in a few days.

Well, lately some news from comic industry made me sick, so depressive... Things like 100% of right in comic work goes to publishers and the chances to publish your own thing is almost nothing... Man, I have to do a great Game art portfolio to dropout from comic industry. But nothing wrong with it if your desire is to be just a penciler or colorist. Don't give up if your intentions are these :). It's plenty of jobs for it. But if you're a Comic/manga/whatever creator, beware of where is you stepping... just a advice by experience.

I sketched it when I was depressive. Strange. Every moment I feel like this, my thoughts go to Ongaku Pawaa. Maybe because I'll never publish this story with 11 years of existence :P


Enough with this depressive shit. Now, I'm felling better.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Amelia: I wanna play video games...

Hello, no time no see, eh?

Oh, boy! In the next week I'll finish a Graphic Novel I'm drawing through one whole year.

I've a PS3 with GTA IV and MGS4... damn, I wanna play my games! If I have some minutes in my life, the last thing I'd do is drawing, hehe. Of course! What would you do if you have a PS3 with plasma TV and all games you love? Drawing? No!!!!!! uhuehuehueh. Well, But that's my budget and I like the paper, so that's a lit' sketch:


Just a sketch, testing a character... I'm always think about my own projects and the more I think, the more I'm sure I'll never publish them. Not a lack of quality or blah blah blah, but I'll never adjust my mind with this industry. Maybe a European comic market...

thanks for wasting your time here! :)

One love, rasta!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cursed Planet

Cursed Planet: Lizard alien

Hey, everybody! Sorry for not posting more often. This is a sketchbook drawing I did of an evil alien from our CURSED PLANET webcomic (sorry about the plug!, hehe)...

I'm not actually the artist of the webcomic, I only handle the colors... the art is by my father, who's also an artist! It's a very cool experience to be able to work with your own old man, I really feel lucky...