Monday, August 27, 2007
Amelia: ' Been a while...
Hi, folks!
Man, all this time wihthout uploads makes me embarrassed... I've a lit' n' stupid doodle to up here... a draw with some PS filter variations, nothing more:
since I can't show nothing from the Graphic Novel I'm working on, I'm showing some craps... it's always with my sorry ass...
by Amelia 3 comments
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Lua: lápis
oioi! o/
eu finalmente fiz outro caderno de desenhos. esses dias comprei um pacote de sulfite e encadernei ^^... deve ser meu 5º caderno de desenho... não.... devo ter tido mais nesse estilo... bom, só sei q ele é verde dessa vez...
mas bem, rascunhos de quinta feira eu acho..
menina mala 1.
menina mala 2.
satsuki (a moça do meu post anterior, ams na epoca ginasial)
uma moça
é isso... muitas garotas como sempre... são mais facei de desenhar eu acho XD rs...
vou ver se faço uns rabiscos com cores tbm...
teh! ~~
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Amelia: *___________*
Hi to everyone! I hope all of you is alright ^__^!
I'm very well. I'm doing a Graphic Novel... an important one :P (keeping secrect under contract. If I talk, I'll die :P). Therefore I'm not posting much here. I'm uploading with other sketch. Fellas, we, the three fellas, are working for different companies so be patiente with us, please ;).
hope this shit-code enter -__-... if not, please, give a help because I forgot how to increase images on blogs!
Thanks for all!
by Amelia 5 comments