Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Amelia: Dying for a rest...
Yo, pals!
Lua, a primeira opção da página de Lod fica melhor no meu monitor. A segunda fica com baixo contraste e fica meio "enevoada", saca? Putz, esqueci da Madalena. Foi fazê-la hj no intervalo. E eu gostei dos sketches do outro post, principalmente do primeiro carinha.
Okay, I'm reaching some cool designs and I found my old RPG archives. What did I see? What? What? whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Man, our old rpg characters from Iêv! That was the most cool (and suffered for us, poor players) Medieval fantasy rpg ever played by me before! Cool, Gs! I became a super Valkyrie (with looooooooooow intelligence and great power :P)and marriaged with a supa-dupa (over power) yummy-yummy clergyman.
Sketch made when I'm wainting for instructions from editors:
"Oooooooooh, Tarik, my beloved yummy-yummy clerg! I missed you! :P"
see ya!
by Amelia 1 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
LUA: lod
o/ saudações
sem paciência pro inglês hoje -_-
fiz essa página de LOD pro cenário de rpg q estou montando... ela abre um capítulo...
eu tenho um problema seríssimo com meu monitor, ou ele comigo, quem sabe... mas o fato é que as cores que eu enxergo nele não são as mesmas que saem impressas... tudo bem, eu sei "vc deveria regular seu monitor" é... mas não consegui até então... por isso, vão duas da mesma página, só que com contraste e brilho alterados... qual fica melhor no monitor de vcs? XD
1. (original)
2. (mais clara)
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Amelia: One day, Two pages... (snipers alike)
Nihal! 'hope ya veryone is 'kay :)!
I'm fucked! Yes... that's my phrase... I have to do two pages per day to accomplish the deadline with Imminent Studios. Thanks lord I'll be at University vacations... I won't have much time to upload the blog from now on, but I'll try my best.
Okay! Let's to my sketchbook!
Gyaaaaaaaaah, so coooooooooooool! I sold my soul and bought a freakin' cool digital Sony camera. Man! It's so many options (it films, takes shots, has intelligent "digital eye", washes, cooks and pays the bills :P). I can take shot from damn textures which I use so much. This is one of my "garage kits" I have:
Damn! I was so excited with my new hobby... I'm doing my first Jointed-Ball Doll (JBD). Well... I'm still doing the head :P. But now with my deadline to the Imminent Studios Grahpic Novel (this comics has more than 200 pages), I'll have to leave my hobby for some months -__-... The head I'm working in:
See you around, folks!
by Amelia 1 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Amelia: Killing my semester at college
In Brazil, the semester finishes in the end of December. Wow, a few more weeks and I'll be on vacations (just from University, not from my work. I'm late with the comic pages to Imminent Studios...).
blah, blah, blah! I did this sketch when I was in dawn thinking about what I should to write in conclusion on my college project...
Hehehe, Lua! Sim, é ele! Ele não perdoará ninguém que se opuser às vontades dele :P!
see you later, guys!
by Amelia 3 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Amelia: PS Brushes can save your life (and your time.. get it the pun :P?)
Howdies, fellas!
For Photoshop lovers, I'm working in some brushes to the Graphic Novel I'm working to my clients. A tip to build a brush. Take a photo with some cool texture. After this, select a expressive area then make it a brush with this. When you had your new brush, go to Brushes set up (it is always on the top of PS bar) and mark the Option "Shape Dynamics". INSIDE this option, go to option "Angle Jitter" and mark "Direction" as your option. Man... you can this great things with this options.
I did a test with some new brushes I did (just a stupid sketch... after all, this blog is to do it ^_~):
-Para os amantes do Photoshop. Eu estava trabalhando nuns pincéis para o quadrinho que estou fazendo para meus clientes (acelerar processo sempre é importante). uma dica na hora de construir um pincel maneiro pra PS.Pegue uma foto com uma textura. Selecione uma área desta imagem e faça um pincel. Depois disto, vá para a opção de edição de pincéis (posição standard naquela barra de cima). Acione a opção Shape Dynamics e depois entre na opção Angle Jitter. Dentro desta opção, marque como Direction... Isso dá um efeitos muito bacanas, aliados a rotação do pincel no Rotate dos Brushes... dá pra destruir umas coisas com isso :P.
Fiz um teste cretino com esses pincéis que fiz, mas não consegui colocar tudo que fiz numa imagem só (imagine que lindo iria ficar :P).É esta que está acima.
See you later!
by Amelia 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Amelia: I'm VER Y sick...
Hi! How's going?
Man... I'm tired... sick.. and sad.
I entered in Comics (any style, it's just a name) to do my own projects. But I've discovered the publishers don't give a fuck for our project, DON'T CARE HOW GOOD IT IS. Really! I heard my projects were good, but the publishers/editors are more interested in your arms and services than your creative force/mind... I'm INSIDE this industry and THEY said it to me...
I'll publish my own project (by myself, if it's necessary), but as I'm working for other clients in this time, my projects will delay a billion of years to be finished (no, NOOBIE, they don't want to see a little showcase and read your script to approve something. They want the WHOLE thing... THAT's the way the things work!).
Okay, stop with my bableeing. Sketch of this week:
I have two looooooooooooong mangas to do... But I have to work for clients to survive. I thank for it because, at least, I have a job... (I really must to thank because there are a million people better than me and unemployed).
thanks again for all support!
by Amelia 7 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
LUA: testing...
hi... I'm tired... nah, and i'm tired of talk about my depressive thoughts =___='
i'm with my friend Pedro doing a comic... then, these are the studies about our chara, she is chinese...
that's all -__-
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 6 comments
Amelia: Slashing my enemy.
Time! Hours! Minutes! You're my enemy!!!
This isn't a sketch. It's a cover to Dark Horse for comics about "Who wants to be Hero" Stan Lee TV Show. I did Basura cover for them some months ago:
In the final version, someone gave BLACK SOCKS to Basura on cover O__O... and it was weird. 'kay, it was annoying because someone put the hands on my job and I don't know who is.
by Amelia 5 comments
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Drawing water sucks a big time.
I hate to draw water, sea and anything liquid, except blood.
Blood is so fun to draw... and the mutilated bodies as well, unfortunately, I couldn't draw it on NORKI yet. The graphic novel I'm doing for a Brazilian publisher. That's the reason of my absence. I've been drawing only for the comic and the other stuff I've drawn... it's too... er...pornographic to be posted here. Hm, I shouldn't be posting it here, but I decided to do so.
Eu odeio desenhar água e qualquer coisa do gênero, exceto sangue.
È muito bom desenhar sangue voando de corpos mutilados e em especial de zumbis. Ah, a carnificina! É puro amor, cara! <33333333! *__* Ai,ai... tenho que agradecer a Mel por smepre fazer uns desenhos assim! Não reparem... eu estou sob efeito de cafeína. Coff coff! Mas, enfim... eu estou desenhando este quadrinho para uma editora nacional. O quadrinho se chama NORKI e este tem sido o motivo da minha ausência. Peço desculpas por isso. Eu até que desenhei outras coisas durante este tempo, mas a maioria delas é meio... pornográfica. Aí, eu dexei de lado. Eu estou postando umas amostras de NORKI mesmo sem poder... mas são apenas quadros avulsos que eu gostei... acho que não vai ter problema.
That's all for now.
Happy Halloween, guys!
É so, galera.
Feliz Dia das Bruxas [e não venham dizer que isso coisa de americano, pois, a tradição de comemorar o Halloween é dos povos celtas e os americanos só popularizaram a mesma]!
P.S.: Eu postei um estudo do estilo do Simon Bisley. Bem simples.
P.S.2: Lua, eu vou devolver tuas revistas do Slaíne assim que puder!
by Anonymous 4 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Amelia: RE 4... Almost there...
Yo, niggas!
Agradecimentos ao Lancaster por cometar novamente no blog!
Leandro. Quando fui dar uma olhada no seu blog, você me deu um susto. Não esperava encontrar um desenho tão bom. SÉRIO :)! Você tá no nível dos caras poderosos da indústria! Vou pedir aqui pra lincar o seu blog no nosso, pode?
Diego. Fico lisonjeada por ter gostado do meu trabalho ^__^. Sobre a proposta... bom, como eu estou com um contrato pesado com a Glass House/ Imminent Studios para fazer uma GN até Maio do ano que vem, estou atolada (e atrasada) até o pescoço. Mas eu gostaria de dar uma olhada no seu trabalho (e dos outros) do mesmo jeito :). Não posso ajudar na contribuição, mas no que eu puder ajudar a medida do possível, estou aqui :)!
Okay! I've Leon sketch here... man, he's so handsome *_________*... I know, this game is pretty old, but I was playing it lately (until my deadline to kill me :P):
Sorry if my posting are not so frequent as I'd like...
by Amelia 2 comments
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Amelia: OMFG!
Howdies, folks!
Agradecimentos a Leandro por comentar em nosso blog!
I did a sketch with new techniques I learned (the result isn't much different from mine original work, but the speed is different :P):
Man, man, man... I got a Gangsta 30's box DVD (old fashioned movies, niggers!). It's so cool!!!
thanks for all!
by Amelia 3 comments
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Amelia: B-R-A-I-N-S!!!!!!
Hi!How's it, fellas?
Very busy here as always :P! After I editing the page 16/17 from GN I'm working for, I played Resident Evil 4 (with Leon, ya know). Man... until my mother liked this game! RE 4 has many cool situations. The story sucks, but as Splinter Cell, this game has a boring story with great fun factor :)!
I did these sketches a little time ago:
(homage to Daniel, who I think is gone... at least, in this blog :P).
see you!
by Amelia 4 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Amelia: I want but I can't...
Hello, folks!
Ah, o Kyo-chan e a Mei ficaram tão fofos (hauhauha e ela insiste qu não é loira... :P).
Man, more and more I'm being out of time... so I can't do any wrong move or I'll wast time. I want to do OP, but the serie is too long... too long... I don't know. I want', but I can't.
More sketches to erase my frustation:
see you later, alligator!
by Amelia 1 comments
nhum... hello...
I'm note fine but I'm alive... next week maybe i'll be happy \o/
today i get to do my pc work!!! I put some musics that mel gave to me... I'm listen them after months ago...
yeah, i like suga Shikao indeed.... and lister his musics make me think about kyoshiro XD... then, this make me do the unique good thing on this fucking day >__<
mel, is for you sis!
Kyo e mei
this... i think that's like a cd cover XD hehehe
this is only a funny thing...
i hope that the colors be right this time ¬¬
see ya
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Amelia: One step to become famous *___*
I'm happy and I hope everyone is okay :)!
Man, man, man! It's raining job, fellas! In the next year, you'll see me in the biggest publishers *______*. It's not a promise, I'm ALREADY work NOW on comicbooks for publishers to the next year... Im so happy *________________*.
Well... just for upload some sketch. I was watching B-Boying show and they're fuckin' cool, so I drew a sketch:
Thanks for all who spent your precious time reading our blog.
by Amelia 1 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Amelia: Fazendo um match no estilo de OP
Aê, Lua! Essa é uma pergunta pra você. Eu rabisquei uma Mei pra fazer um match no estlo de OP, pra ver se ela encaixava com os outros...
Que vc acha?
by Amelia 2 comments
Friday, September 28, 2007
Lua: add mom
hi! o/
(mel, realmente parece queimada de sol? eu pensei em fazer desse jeito pq geralmente as marcas de sol não são regulares ne?)
I add her mother ^^... main chara and her mom XD
B&W (manga studio and ps7)
colored (ps7)
OK! my monitor is terrible!!! >_< i see this draw in amelia's house and...aaarrrgh! is terrible! very contrasted! >__<
i try fix it... hope that be right now!
say what u think...
mel, gostei... como te disse, parece bem normal pra mim, que uso cores pastéis...
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 2 comments
Amelia: Just trying another way to paint
Hi to our few friends here!
(A personagem da sua história está massa, Lua. Gostei do jeito queimado da pele dela. Pena que o quadrinho vai ser P&B).
I'm waiting asnwers, as always, and I did something different for me. As I'm playing Resident Evil (inspired for it because I'm working on a Zombie story too) and I did Kevin, from Outbreak. I did him on greyscale, so I colored it. This process is very different from mine, but I'd like to try. It's just a rough test:
by Amelia 1 comments
Tags: Resident Evil
Lua; unexpected previsible
my project was almost ready... the script... but I felt that something would happen... and would not let me to conclude in the right time... I was rigth
I now will work the whole week out... I think that project is going for next year... in fact, I think all the projects are going for next year
here... main chara from this project... she is very white, but she is a sportswoman... then she should take sun...
this a detail about her skin
see ya! o/
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
Lua: cold, pleeeeeeaaaaase!!!!
I don't know how many degrees is doing... but I can't stand that heat! I have a headache all the day! my house seems an oven! and I don't get to sleep at night because of the mosquitos...
yesterday my pc gave problem. he corrupted my whole file... I almost lost the project that I'm developing...
in fact... I'm tired of it... I'm not thinking interesting. I don't get to do anything for becoming distracted because I have to be inside of house. that place is a true hell! there are not options of amusement...
my brother said that can be thinking the story annoying because I'm looking for it the whole time... perhaps... but I don't know... I think am being crazy... or angry
my patience is ending definitively
some studies about this story
oh yes... Mel, I like this charas. and agree with you about the "human true colors" heh... the second guy remember me Robert' style
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments
Amelia: Tedium
Howdies, folks!
I was here waiting for answer from my editors (decision on WIP cover) and I wasn't want to watch any anime or read any manga, so I sat down my butt on chair and drew this:
They're from a Zombie comic I was thinking about. Something beyond to survival story. I think the "true colors" of people are shown when the situation is on the edge, so I thought to do a story about it.
Thanks for everyone who spent your precious time on this blog ^__^! Really appreciated!
by Amelia 2 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Lua: studies of my current personal project
hi! ^^ \o/
some chara studies about my new project... is something urban ahn.. of ghetto
Main chara
is this... tomorrow i'll post more... ^^
by Lua Bueno Cyríaco 1 comments